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UBS is the world’s largest and only truly global wealth manager. We operate through four business divisions: Global Wealth Management, Personal & Corporate Banking, Asset Management and the Investment Bank. The breadth of our expertise sets us apart.

New York NY, US + 5 more
1001-5000 Employees
Founded in 1998

Working at UBS

Our employees are the power behind our purpose. Connecting people for a better world starts with us. And, whether we’re investing in clients or in communities, creating better outcomes takes dedication and innovative thinking, along with a wide range of skills, experiences, and perspectives. Those attributes describe our people: in every region and business, our employees power our continuous business success and our positive impact on society. It’s our job to build – and sustain – an innovative and inclusive workplace that brings out the best in our employees, wherever they are on their career journey. As a founding member of the World Economic Forum’s Good Work Framework, we’re partnering with like-minded companies on metrics that support high-quality work worldwide. We're known as a great place to work, whatever the business area, role or life stage. We aim to be a responsible and supportive employer, helping our employees thrive in our collaborative, inclusive culture while balancing work and personal responsibilities in ways that work for them.

What UBS Does

We’re the world's largest and only truly global wealth manager. Our Group Function employees support four interdependent divisions: Global Wealth Management, Asset Management, the Investment Bank, and Personal & Corporate banking in Switzerland. In the U.S. we have six main offices (see below) along with 260 branches across the country.
Our Offices

Hiring with Jopwell in
New York, NY
Houston, TX
Nashville, TN
Chicago, IL
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